Are you a busy parent trying to strike a balance between work life & personal life? Besides, are you regularly pursuing something to serve your toddler other than the same old toasted cheese sandwich, macaroni cheese, and spaghetti? We got you covered. All you got to do is do a little fishing at your supermarket fish counter or shop online for Round Island Barramundi.
Macaroni cheese Or Barramundi Fish fingers?
There are many good reasons to add healthy fish to your toddler’s plate as fish is low in saturated fat and high in protein, vitamin D, and many of the B vitamins. Australian Heart Foundation researches confirm that eating fish regularly can also reduce your chance of having a fatal heart attack by 25 percent or more. So not only is it best for the toddlers it is best that even for adults to consume fish regularly in their meals. Further, the 2017 Pennsylvanian School of Nursing study discovered that a stable diet that includes seafood develops Children’s IQ by five points more than kids who consume the usual proteins like red meat. Sleep patterns of kids have also shown to be better with kids consuming more seafood in their diet. Some recent studies suggest seafood consumption may improve infant neurodevelopment and decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease risk. It also indicates that introducing fish early in a child’s diet may help prevent autoimmune disorders such as asthma and eczema.
What Do Experts Say
Barramundi is chock-full of omega-3 essential fatty acids, which boost brainpower. About 75 grams of fish is ideal for children up to 6 years of age. This is approximately 3 fish fingers. Isn’t that Amazing? Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Australia reveal that contaminants collect in the skin and fat on the fish. You have the best part of going with Round Island Barramundi is that you get to choose between skinned or skin-on, it is all deboned and straight away ready to cook. As the fish is very soft in texture it is quite convenient for the parents to prepare the toddler’s meals by blending/mashing them and being tension-free that the child might choke as the fish just melts in the kid’s mouth.
Baked or Grilled… They will Love it
Serving a variety of healthy fish two to three times a week will be the catch to get your toddler on board with enjoying seafood. Barramundi fish has many important benefits to health which should be considered. Aaron Bernstein a senior researcher of AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) highlights in one of his studies that families who eat meat fish should be a welcome part of a child’s diet as for most types of fish, “the benefits far outweigh the risks.”
So why wait for more? Now you can easily place your orders through our website, or you can always look for Round Island Barramundi at most of the leading supermarkets in Sri Lanka.
Buon Appetito!