Modha (Barramundi) Curry Jaffna Style
Cooking Oil
50g Ghee
4 Garlic Cloves
1 Big Onion
2 Cardamom Pods
1 tbsp Mustard Seeds
1 tbsp Fennel Seeds
1 tbsp Peppercorns
1 tbsp Turmeric Powder
2 tbsp Chilli Powder
1 tbsp Jaffna Curry Powder
1 tbsp Tamarind Extract
1 Cinnamon Stick
Curry Leaves
1 Lemongrass Sticks
3 Green Chillies
1 Brinjal
2 Tomatoes
1/2 Cup Grated Coconut
2 Cups of coconut Milk
1 tbsp Fenugreek Seeds
50g Muhudu Modha
Murunga Leaves
Step 1
Into a pan pur some Cooking Oil and let it heat. Add the 50g og Ghee in to the oil and stir until it melts. Then add the 4 cloves of roughly Garlic and 1 roughly chopped big onion then saute for a few seconds. Then add 2 pods of Cardomom, 1 tbsp of Mustard Seeds, Fennel Seeds and Salt for flavor. Then add 1 tbsp of Peppercorns, Turmeric powder, Chilli powder, Jaffna curry powder, Tamrind extract and 1 stick of Cinnamon, thne stir it well for few seconds.
Step 2
Finally add the Curry Leaves, Lemongrass, Rampe, 3 Green Chillies, 1 Brinjal, 2 Tomatoes and MIX MIX MIX! Add 1/2 cup of grated Coconut, 2 cups of Coconut Milk and 1tbsp of Fenugreek Seeds then MIX MIX MIX! Now let it simmer.
Add 500g of Muhudu Modha in to the pan and gently flip the pieces as it simmers in the curry. Finally add Murunga Leaves for an extra kick of taste, then let it cook for 5 minutes and voila!